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Homemade Face Scrubs for Different Skin Types and Their Benefits

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Let’s face it, the environment in which we live can be a little rough on our skin. From daily stress to sun exposure and pollutants, our skin takes a beating. But there’s a way to give your skin some love and nourishment without burning a hole in your pocket – by making homemade face scrubs. Whether you are a seasoned DIY-er or a beginner, this blog is for you. We’ll dive into the scrumptious world of natural exfoliation and reveal the ingredients for silky-smooth skin. So grab your aprons, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to whip up some scrubs!

What is a Homemade Face Scrub?

Homemade Face Scrub

A homemade face scrub is a natural and simple skincare solution that involves mixing readily available kitchen ingredients to create a paste-like substance to gently exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. This scrub is typically made from a combination of exfoliating agents, such as sugar, salt, coffee grounds, or oatmeal, along with nourishing ingredients, such as oils, honey, or yogurt. It is a cost-effective and customisable alternative to store-bought products, allowing you to tailor your skincare routine to your specific skin type and needs.

Why scrubbing or exfoliation is an important skincare practice?

2 woman with dull flaky skin

Our skin sheds dead cells to make room for new cells every 30 days. Sometimes, dead cells don’t shed completely, resulting in dry patches and clogged pores. Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, which can help prevent clogged pores. Regular exfoliation stimulates collagen, promoting firmer, smoother, more radiant skin.  

Benefits of Face Scrubs

3 woman with clear and radiant

With just a few simple ingredients and a little bit of kitchen chemistry, you will be able to transform your skin. Listed below are some of the benefits of using a homemade face scrub:

  • Healthier and smoother skin- Face scrub helps remove dead skin cells your body hasn’t entirely shed yet, which promotes a smoother, brighter, more even complexion with regular practice. 
  • Even skin texture- Since it removes dead skin cells and excess oil which clogs the pores, facial scrubbing can also help reduce the occurrence of white and blackheads. 
  • Enhanced circulation- Stimulating the surface of your skin can boost blood flow, imparting a natural glow to the skin. 
  • Better absorption- By removing a buildup of dead skin cells and other debris, your skin may absorb skin care products more effectively.

How to use Face Scrubs

Homemade Face Scrub

Step 1: Cleanse thoroughly before applying an exfoliator or a scrub to remove debris, dirt, or excess oil.

Step 2: Apply the scrub. Take a dime-sized amount of your face scrub and apply it in small dots evenly to your freshly washed face. Make sure you use the scrub on a wet face to avoid irritation.

Step 3: Massage gently using the tips of your fingers, gently massage the face scrub on your skin in circular motions for 30-60 seconds. Ensure you do not vigorously rub into your skin, which might cause micro tears and make skin sensitive or irritable. While scrubbing, avoid sensitive areas such as the under-eye area.

Step 4: Rinse Away. Once you’re done massaging the face scrub, rinse off with normal water and pat dry with a cotton towel.

Step 5: Finish off with a soothing facial toner and a moisturiser. After washing the face, spritz cooling facial mist to rehydrate, tone and soothe the skin. Once the mist is absorbed into the skin, end the session with a moisturiser to keep your skin nourished, supple, and well hydrated—and since you’ve sloughed away the dead skin cells, the moisturiser will be absorbed way better into your skin.

Homemade Face Scrubs for Different Skin Types

Face Scrub for Oily Skin

Picture this: It is a warm summer day, and you are out running errands. Your face is shining like a beacon, not in a good way. All you can think about is getting home and washing your face. Sounds familiar? 

For those with oily skin, the above scenario is all too real. But what if we told you that with a homemade scrub for oily skin, you could exfoliate the excess oil and grime away to unveil a clear and more matte complexion? Read on to learn about the perfect scrub for oily skin that can be made in the comfort of your home in under 5 minutes.

5 Face Scrub for Oily Skin

Ingredients – 

  • 1 tsp – Orange peel- the dry (ruksha), light (laghu), and astringent properties make it an excellent choice for oily skin.  
  • 1 tsp Neem leaves powder because of its antiseptic and astringent properties. It is perfect for controlling sebum production and healing the skin.
  • 2 tsp. Multani Mitti –  removes the excess sebum and controls oil production in the skin. 

Mixer – Aloe vera juice or Buttermilk / Yogurt 

Stir all the ingredients together, mixing well. Gently rub the scrub onto the skin in a circular motion for two to three minutes. Remove with normal water.


Are you tired of having flaky, dry skin that doesn’t seem to go away no matter how much moisturiser you slather on? If so, it’s time to add a homemade face scrub to your skincare routine. Below is a DIY scrub recipe specifically designed for dry skin to gently remove dead skin cells while nourishing and hydrating your skin.

6 Face Scrub for Dry Skin
Via Pinterest

Ingredients – 

  • 1 tsp – Almond seeds powder is rich in antioxidants and vitamins which nourish your skin and keep it soft and supple. It is an excellent source of vitamin E, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids and is known for its skin-nourishing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. 
  • 1 tsp – Rose petals powder, the natural oils found in roses, help retain moisture in the skin.
  • 1/2 tsp – Cashew nut powder, high in selenium, acts as an antioxidant with vitamin E, leaving skin supple and hydrated.  

Mixer – Whole milk or Rosewater 

Mix all the ingredients and gently scrub onto the skin for 30 seconds, then rinse with water. Use this scrub once a week if your skin is feeling dry.


If you ever feel like your skin can’t make up its mind, you are not alone. Many of us have combination skin that is dry in some areas and oily in others – and it can be a real headache to find a skincare routine that works for this skin type. 

The solution to the above problem can be as simple as adding a face scrub specially formulated to address the unique needs of combination skin. Below is a homemade face scrub recipe for combination skin that removes excess oil without drying out the skin.

homemade face scrub
Via Pinterest


  • 2 tbsp. Uncooked Rolled Oats contain plenty of antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • 1-2 tsp. Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is known for its skin-nourishing and healing properties. 

Mixer – Yogurt

Mix all the ingredients and apply the scrub over the face and neck. Scrub for 1-2 minutes, leave it on for 5-10 minutes, and rinse.


If your skin just goes with the flow without giving you too much trouble, it is pretty safe to say that you have normal skin. While normal skin type is mostly balanced, that doesn’t mean that it is free of the occasional bouts of acne or dryness. 

Read below to discover a DIY scrub recipe for days when you need that extra care. This scrub gently exfoliates the skin, leaving it soft, refreshed and glowing.

8 Face Scrub for Normal Skin


  • 1-2 tsp. Rose petals powder, the natural oils found in roses, help retain moisture in the skin. 
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar to remove debris and dead skin cells
  • 1-2 tsp. Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is known for its skin-nourishing and healing properties. 

Mixer – Rose Water 

Mix and gently scrub onto the skin for 2-3 minutes, then rinse with normal water. 


How often should I use a homemade face scrub?

Scrubbing or exfoliation is a weekly skincare practice and should not be done more than twice a week.

Are homemade face scrubs good for my skin?

Homemade face scrubs are good for the skin, especially with natural, fresh, and potent ingredients. That’s how they show their results as well.

How do you store homemade scrubs?

Homemade scrubs should be made instantly and used. If they are made and need to be stored, they should be kept in an airtight container at cool temperature in a dry place.

What is the disadvantage of face scrub?

Face scrubs usually don’t have any disadvantages. However, if the wrong combination is made and incompatible ingredients are used, it might cause more harm than good.

How long should a scrub stay on your face?

When used weekly, scrubs can be kept on the face for 5-7 minutes. Afterwards, it can be washed off with normal water, and a facial mist can be sprayed.

What is the right age to start exfoliation or facial scrubbing?

Gentle scrubs should be used during the teen years to clean pores, protect against acne, and clear dead cells from the skin’s surface. Whether your skin is oily or dry, regular exfoliation is necessary from your middle teenage years onwards to promote a smooth skin surface and minimise pores.





Dr. Taruna Yadav

Forest Essentials

Senior Ayurveda Doctor

Dr. Taruna Yadav is a Senior Ayurveda Doctor, Author, Speaker, and Certified Stress and Lifestyle Management Consultant who has been working in the area Preventive and Holistic Health for more than a decade.She started her career as an Ayurvedic Doctor in 2007 and took up Nutrition and Wellness along the way to help people achieve Optimum Physical Health. She also has a specialization in Mental Health Specialisation and is a Member of the International Stress Management Association, UK. She strongly believes that proper nutrition, natural remedies and Ayurvedic therapies can help ensure a healthy mind and body. At Forest Essentials, Dr. Taruna represents the expertise on Ayurveda, Nutrition, and Stress Management.