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Expert Remedies To Reduce Hair Fall

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When it comes to hair concerns, hair fall and frizz are the two key issues that are faced by most of us during Summer. With the overpowering heat of the sun and humidity in the air increasing by the day, it is imperative that we take good care of our hair to not only protect it from being damaged but also to improve its overall health.

Read on as we unravel the reasons of hair fall and frizz, how you can prevent it from being damaged and a routine to nourish your hair for healthier tresses.


What is Hair Fall and Frizz?

Hair tends to grow on differently on different people in various frequencies and on an average, it grows around 1.5 inches per month. Hair shedding is part of a natural balance; some hair falls out while other grows in. Generally, humans shed between 50 to 100 single hair per day, but when the balance is interrupted, it results in hair loss.

On the other hand, when your hair is damaged, dry and has been chemically treated, the hair cuticles rise, making way for moisture to enter the strand. This results in frizzy hair that look undernourished, dry and damaged.

Reasons for Hair Loss and Frizzy Hair

Physiological changes such as puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause and nutritional deficiencies are some of the most common causes of hair fall. In case hair fall is not from the roots, hair damage comes to a close second cause because of the way you wash, manage and dry your hair on a daily basis. On the other hand, genetics, dryness and humidity are the key causes of frizzy hair. According to Ayurveda, an individual with dominant or aggravated Vata dosha is more prone to dry and frizzy hair. Ayurveda suggests two important haircare practices and herbs that include a regular scalp massage with Ayurvedic oils and weekly hair masking for deep conditioning to tackle these concerns.

Also Read – Most common hair care concerns & their solutions


How Can You Prevent Hair Fall and Frizz

When hair fall occurs, most of us only tend to change our hair products and often forget that the condition of the hair is an external sign of how healthy we are internally. Sudden hair loss could also result from crash weight loss diets that eliminate certain food groups leading to nutritional deficiencies. As per the ancient science of Ayurveda, hair fall happens due to aggravation of Pitta in the body. It gets aggravated due to faulty lifestyle and diet choices including excessive intake of tea, coffee, spicy food, dry fruits, non-vegetarian meals, alcohol and oily food. Less fluid intake is also one of the many reasons. To counter hair fall, your diet should be enriched with these five most essential nutrients—Zinc, Biotin, Vitamin D, Iron and Protein.

Also Read – Reasons for Hairfall in Women & How to treat them?

On the other hand, to manage frizzy hair, we suggest you follow the below methods and treat your hair with care:

  • Don’t brush your hair when it is dry especially when you have wavy and curly hair. Use a wide tooth comb to brush your hair when it is still damp but not soaking wet.
  • Comb dry hair with wet fingers- Water is key. The problem with frizzy hair is that it’s dry. Water is a basic response to this basic problem. Wet your hands and finger-comb to tackle frizzy and tangled hair.
  • Don’t over-style your hair. Styling treatments and straighteners can make your hair brittle and lead to breakage, so go easy on these products.
  • Sleep on silk pillowcases to prevent frizz. It creates less friction, dryness, breakage and frizz.
  • Get your hair trimmed every 4-8 weeks to steer clear of split ends, breakage and frizz.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water as it strips off natural oils from your scalp and causes its cuticles to rise up, thereby creating frizz.

A Hair Care Regime to Achieve Healthier and Well-Nourished Hair


Step 1 – Oiling

Oiling your hair 2-3 times a week keeps your hair healthy and strong. Head Massage Oil Bhringraj by Forest Essentials is an excellent Ayurvedic formulation with potent ingredients like Brahmi, Ananatmool, Black Sesame Oil and Bhringraj herb that help in preventing hair fall, promoting new hair growth and controlling dandruff.

Step 2 – Cleansing

The Forest Essentials Hair Cleanser Bhringraj & Shikakai controls hair thinning, breakage and promotes regrowth. While Bhringraj improves hair growth and reduces hair fall, Shikakai infusion and Liquorice contain micro nutrients that help to control dandruff and stimulate the growth of new hair.

Step 3 – Conditioning

Enriched with rich and nutritive Coconut Milk, Licorice, Bhringraj and Shikakai extracts, the Hair Conditioner Bhringraj & Shikakai by Forest Essentials works for intense repair and nourishment of the hair. The Kalonji Seed Oil present in this conditioner stimulates the hair roots, repairs dry, dull and damaged hair and improves hair texture.


Step 4 – Added Nourishment

The Hair Thickening Spray Bhringraj & Shikakai by Forest Essentials is a potent hair spray that strengthens the hair follicles, prevents hair loss and increases the density of hair.

Also Read – Forest Essentials Hair Care Range for All Types of Hairs

Visit to explore more such products that nourish your hair.

Tejal K

Forest Essentials

Ayurvedic Skin Expert

Tejal is an Ayurvedic Skin Expert at Forest Essentials. She holds a PGDM in Skin, Hair & General Aesthetics and has over 10 years of experience in Beauty Consultations. Tejal advocates that ‘the philosophy of Ayurveda fulfills all needs’ and is driven by the keenness to educate her clients about Ayurveda and its transformative ways. She first demystifies the science for them and then makes suitable recommendations on regimens, simple home remedies and lifestyle tips that help her address their unique concerns holistically.