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Stretch Marks – Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies

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What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are the indented streaks that appear on certain parts of the body like the abdomen, hips, thighs, upper arms, etc. A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks speedily or quickly. This kind of rapid change causes the skin-supporting protein tissues such as collagen and elastin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks appear gradually during this process.

Stretch marks are known as “Kikkisa”, as per the ancient science of Ayurveda, which describes them as linear demarcations on the surface of a pregnant woman’s skin. They are usually caused by the imbalance in Kapha and Pitta doshas.


Does everyone develop stretch marks?

Not everyone develops these narrow streaks on their skin. Fluctuating hormone levels play a role in most cases. Causative factors also have a role to play.

How are stretch marks caused?

The main cause of stretch marks is the stretching of our skin. The severity of the marks depend on several factors such as your genetics and the degree of stress on the skin. Major stretch marks appear when there are growth spurts that happen during puberty, during the phase of pregnancy, during rapid weight loss and gain processes, during weight training, during rapid muscle growth along with the local application of steroidal skin treatment creams. Sometimes the hormone cortisol also plays a role by weakening the elastic fibers in the skin.

How do stretch marks appear?

Not all Stretch marks commonly look alike. They vary depending on your skin type, how long you’ve had them, what caused them, and where they have appeared on your body.

When stretch marks first appear, they tend to be slightly reddish, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Initial stretch marks may feel slightly elevated and can be itchy. Over a period of time, the color fades gradually and the narrow bands go down beneath the skin. The texture of the skin over the mature stretch marks feels slightly depressed.

What can be done to get rid of stretch marks?

Taking care of your skin by including a good frequency of moisturization helps with stretch marks removal. Applying moisturizers does not affect the appearance of stretch marks directly; however, moisturizers help in smoothly healing the underlying tissues. Gently massaging moisturizers onto new stretch marks over the course of several weeks will make a good impact.

In addition, including stretch mark removal creams or lotions that have natural sources of hyaluronic acid helps.

What are some natural ingredients or remedies to lighten stretch marks?

Olive Oil: Olive oil is a wonderful type of cleanser and moisturizer. Olive oil cures the damaged collagen of the skin. It also helps to increase blood flow to the surface of the skin. Gently massage yourself with this oil for 10-15 minutes every day.


Coconut Oil The fatty acids in coconut oil easily absorb into the skin. Given coconut oil is anti-inflammatory, it encourages collagen production, which will speed up the recovery process of stretch marks. Thoroughly apply coconut oil onto your stretch marks and you do not even need to wipe off this natural ingredient afterwards.


Cocoa butter: Derived from cocoa beans, the super-hydrating cocoa butter soaks deep into the skin, allowing it to retain moisture, and improve the elasticity of the skin. This will fade the appearance of stretch marks over time. Apply a generous amount of cocoa butter onto your stretch marks and massage ithe skin. Do this once or twice a day, especially after taking a shower.

Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera gel helps lighten stretch marks. The ingredients in Aloe Vera exhibit healing properties, and minimize the appearance of stretch marks. If you have an Aloe Vera plant at home, break off one of the stalks and rub it on your stretch marks, without rinsing off the residue. Rub Aloe Vera onto your stretch marks once a day.


Sandalwood: Sandalwood helps the skin to cool down. It also improves the elasticity of the skin. When you first see the signs of stretch marks appearing, applying a paste of neem, sandalwood and Khadira can give you relief from itching, while soothing the skin.


Castor Oil: One of the best ayurvedic oils for stretch marks, castor oil helps to stimulate collagen and elastin production. It also helps the damaged tissues regain their original shape, and helps the skin to return to its original position after suffering from stretching. Incorporate a gentle massage with castor oil at least twice a day for good results.


Turmeric: Turmeric is one of the most inexpensive and result-oriented remedies to treat stretch marks as it helps to maintain skin elasticity. Mix turmeric powder or crushed turmeric root into coconut oil or sesame oil to form a paste. Apply this paste on your stretch marks once or twice a day.



Which oil is best suited for stretch marks?

We recommend the Mother’s Stretch Mark Oil Nalpamarathy Keram by Forest Essentials to reduce the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. This nourishing oil is Made Safe certified and hence is completely safe to use during and after pregnancy. This natural stretch mark oil is an effective formulation of highly potent herbs in a base of organic cold-pressed oils, which are traditionally known to restore the skin’s collagen, deeply nourish the skin from within and smoothen its texture.


This Ayurvedic stretch mark removal oil is also infused with Green Turmeric and Kachura, which are known to heal and soothe inflamed skin, and thereby reduce the appearance of inflamed stretch marks. Along with these calming and soothing herbs, the emollient oils blended to formulate this highly effective stretch mark oil keep the skin well moisturized, nourished and hydrated, while giving it a radiant sheen.

How can I protect my skin from stretch marks?

Incorporate up to 8 to 10 glasses of water in your daily diet to keep the body well hydrated throughout. If the body is hydrated, the skin naturally restores lost elasticity, while becoming supple and soft.

Opt for a healthy diet that is rich in Vitamin A, C and E, Antioxidants and Omega 3 fats. Make sure to include all kinds of berries, citrus fruits, Kiwi, Melons, Pineapple, GLVs, Avocados, Flax Seeds, Chia Seeds, and Walnuts as they help increase collagen production in the skin and combat radical damage.


Also, include foods rich in lutein such as broccoli, spinach and lettuce to protect the skin and help reduce stretch marks.

How to get rid of stretch marks quickly?

Focus on the basics to eventually see the difference on the skin. Keep your skin well hydrated. A loss of moisture can slow down the healing process. Additionally, coconut oil can be your best friend in treating stretch marks quickly as it moisturizes the skin and makes the stretch marks disappear.

How to remove stretch marks?

It is not possible to eliminate stretch marks entirely if they are deep and old. However, there are some remedies that definitely help in lightening the stretch marks over time.

Application of potato juice helps, as it is rich in starch and full of other skin lightening enzymes that help to lighten scars and blemishes. Additionally, catecholase is a bleaching agent present in potatoes that heals the scars, giving you brighter skin.


Mix the potato juice with a few drops of lemon juice and apply over your stretch marks. Let it dry and wash off with cold water. Regular application of potato juice will reduce the visibility of stretch marks, leaving you with spotless, healthy-looking skin.

Dr. Taruna Yadav

Forest Essentials

Senior Ayurveda Doctor

Dr. Taruna Yadav is a Senior Ayurveda Doctor, Author, Speaker, and Certified Stress and Lifestyle Management Consultant who has been working in the area Preventive and Holistic Health for more than a decade.She started her career as an Ayurvedic Doctor in 2007 and took up Nutrition and Wellness along the way to help people achieve Optimum Physical Health. She also has a specialization in Mental Health Specialisation and is a Member of the International Stress Management Association, UK. She strongly believes that proper nutrition, natural remedies and Ayurvedic therapies can help ensure a healthy mind and body. At Forest Essentials, Dr. Taruna represents the expertise on Ayurveda, Nutrition, and Stress Management.