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How Stress Impacts Your Skin? Our Ayurveda Experts Answer

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If you have been caring for your skin with the right skincare regime and SPF, have you ever wondered why it’s not cooperating with your efforts? You may be applying all the right skin care products on your skin whilst eating the right food and exercising daily, but if you have a storm cloud of stress looming over your head, you might experience a stress rash or stress acne. Skin being the largest organ of your body is the first to receive the harmful effects of stress. How? Our Ayurveda Experts answer…


Can Stress Cause Skin Problems?

Unfortunately, yes. When you are under stress, your body produces hormones that allow you to cope with the situation. If those responses are excess or insufficient, stress becomes a trigger that exacerbates multiple conditions for the skin. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone which increases when you stress more. Excessive cortisol in the body causes imbalance of Ayurvedic Doshas – Vata, Pitta or Kapha, which leads inflammation that may escalate or cause skincare concerns such as stress rashes, stress bumps, stress acne, redness, eczema or even rosacea.

Also Read – Skincare Regime as per your Ayurvedic Doshas


How to identify stress acne & normal acne?

Stress acne usually appears on the T-zone and is accompanied by dilated pores, blackheads and a grainy skin texture, due to the buildup of dead skin cells, as explained above. Normal acne and pimples may not appear with these supplementary symptoms. Stress acne mostly shows up with other telltale signs like redness and itchiness, whereas normal acne can be cystic and shows up in the same area as before. You can check our Forest Essentials anti acne cream.

What does a stress rash look like?

A stress rash is pink or red in colour and can be identified as small bumps or stress hives that may itch and cause a tingling sensation. They range from tiny dots on the face, chest, neck or arms to large clusters. These can also be categorized as redness.

Redness On the Skin Caused by Stress

Stress reduces your skin’s ability to repair itself. At this time, we suggest using a minimal skincare routine or night skincare routine with natural products that are enriched with soothing Aloe Vera, nourishing Sweet Almond Oil and fresh face toners for the face. Overusing skincare products to contribute for your skin’s altered barrier may lead to more flares, stress rashes and redness.

You can use freshly cut Aloe Vera from your garden and freeze it in your ice tray, to soothe the skin. May we suggest trying the Forest Essentials Light Hydrating Aloe Vera Gel, formulated with organically grown Aloe Vera, at our spiritual home.

Always keep the Forest Essentials Pure Rosewater in your refrigerator for a quick chilled spritz to soothe irritation and the Sun Fluid with SPF 50, to protect the skin from external stressors, including sun damage

Also read – How To Get Rid Of Redness On The Face Naturally?


Dryness On the Face Due to Stress

Cortisol reduces skin cell production and regeneration. This takes them longer to reach the surface and as a result, dead skin cells build up, making your face look dull, dry and textured. We suggest exfoliating twice a week with a D.I.Y. Oats and Honey Face Mask.


½ cup crushed Oats

2 tbsps Honey

1 tbsp Water

Make a thick paste and apply it on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash the face mask off using fresh yogurt. This is also an excellent stress rash cure. You can also use the Forest Essentials face scrub.

Does Stress Cause Wrinkles & Pre-Mature Aging?

Have you ever heard your mother or grandmother tell you to calm those facial muscles, when you are stressed? As vain as they may sound in the moment, they are not wrong! Excessive stress can cause wrinkles in the form of pronounced lines on the face and neck, as more blood is pumped to the heart and lungs when the body is under stress, leaving the skin with inadequate blood and oxygen.

We recommend facial yoga and an at-home lymphatic drainage massage to reduce stress spots and fine lines. These help to increase circulation and pump oxygen to the facial muscles and tissues, making the skin look healthier, with a natural pink tint.

Also Read – How to Manage Stress with Aromatherapy?

May we also suggest a weekly facial with the iconic Forest Essentials Tejasvi Emulsion, for a youthful glow. It is enriched with pure Cow’s Ghee and a mix of potent Ayurvedic Herbs to naturally plump the skin.


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