Intrinsically Indian

Makar Sankranti – Significance of The Festival as Per The Vedic Era

Every year, on the 14th of January, India welcomes a wave of festive cheer across the country. Somew...

Forest Essentials |

Wedding ceremonies as mini-festivals in India

As diverse as the landscape of India is, so are its pre-wedding rituals and customs. Weddings here, ...

Forest Essentials |

Devadasi Culture – Decoding Beauty Rituals

The Devadasis approached beauty rituals as an expression and experience of self-care. They had elabo...

Forest Essentials |

Women of Substance: A journey through the Devadasis culture in India

The Devadasi culture was found in Southern India many centuries ago. ‘Dev’ translates to ‘Godâ...

Forest Essentials |