

Gokharu, also known as Gokshura in Ayurveda, is known to have nutritive, rejuvenating, and Tridosha balancing properties. Also known as Tribulus Terrestris, Gokharu is one of the most important herbs in traditional system of medicine.

Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits of Gokharu

It’s a versatile herb with multidimensional use like, it’s an excellent anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, and a great energy booster. Gokshura is loaded with a variety of Saponins, a phytochemical that increases the flow of oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body, especially to the muscles, which makes it an excellent muscle relaxant. This also makes the muscles effectively utilize all the essential nutrients available in the blood, especially proteins, and leads to well-toned muscles. It is also a natural Vitalizer that increases the stamina of the body and can be consumed during the work outs. Gokshura is known to cure a variety of skin ailments and it also acts as an age defying agent. Oral, as well as topical usage of Gokharu, can make the skin look younger as it slows down the effects of aging. When used on a regular basis, it helps tremendously in skin concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and loss of elasticity.

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