Bay Leaf Extract

IngredientsBay Leaf Extract

Bay Leaf, also known in India as Tej Pata, is an aromatic leaf with a fragrance similar to Cinnamon bark but slightly milder. Used commonly as a cooking spice in India and used to brew tea, the leaf is also used in several natural skincare treatments, as it is a powerhouse of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Bay Leaf Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits

As per Ayurveda, the Bay Leaves are warming in nature and hence pacify Kapha and Vata doshas, while they increase the Pitta dosha. Myrcene, a component of Bay Leaves is often extracted to prepare essential oils in the perfume industry, and has a wider application in traditional medicines of different countries. The benefits of Bay Leaf include its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

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