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Daily Skincare Routine for Men

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Gone are those days when skincare for men was confined to a herbal soap and a spicy aftershave. Given today’s urbanized lifestyle, polluted cities and red-eyed deadlines, taking care of one’s skin has become incredibly imperative. Practising a simply thought-out and curated men’s skincare regime is an essential part of self-care and love. This Forest Essentials guide will help you create a daily men skincare routine that will keep your skin away from acne, blemishes, grime, and sun damage.

Men's Skincare Routine
Men’s Skincare Routine

What is the basic skincare routine?

  • An effective men skincare routine involves the four basic steps — cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize.
  • For oily, acne-prone and blemished skin, use natural ingredients like Neem, Tea Tree and Ashwagandha that help in purifying and soothing the skin.
  • Use citrus-based products as these help balance the sebum and pH levels. You can also exfoliate your skin once or twice a week, depending on your skin type. 

To craft the best skin care routine for men with any skin type, it is key to understand what your skin actually requires, when it requires it and how much quantity of the product actually needs to be used. Our Ayurveda experts have crafted a simple, easy-to-follow men’s facial regimen using the best products that are 100% natural and free from SLES/SLS and Sulphates.

Steps to build a best skin care routine for men

Step 1: Cleanse

The first and foremost step to achieving healthy and glowing skincare for men is to use a purifying cleanser that removes surface dead cells, dust and impurities. Gel-based cleansers should be preferred over foaming cleansers as these have a deep and thick consistency, which is good for removing excess oil and acne-causing bacteria from the skin’s surface.  

We recommend: The Sandalwood and Orange Peel Cleanser helps gently remove the excess sebum from the skin. Sandalwood is an age-old Ayurvedic herb with healing and clarifying properties that help soften and tone the skin. Orange Peel has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties thereby, deeply purifying the skin.

Sandalwood and Orange Peel Facial Cleanser
Sandalwood and Orange Peel Facial Cleanser

Directions for usage: Use a tiny amount of your facial cleanser to cover the whole face. This means applying one pump or a capful of your cleanser with your fingertips for optimum coverage. Twice a day is recommended for best results. 

Step 2: Exfoliation (Weekly or Bi-weekly)

Playing a key role in skincare, exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells and makes your pores squeaky clean while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. (1)

  • Face Scrubs: Gel-based scrubs help create a matte base for better absorption of face serum and creams that follows, by removing surface dead cells and minimizing the appearance of your pores. 

We recommend: The Kashmiri Walnut Scrub helps restore the skin’s elasticity by gently removing damaged skin cells. Made with finely milled walnuts — an exceptional source of Omega-3 fats that lock moisture into the skin — this scrub has deep cleansing properties that smoothen and tone the skin.

Kashmiri Walnut Facial Scrub
Kashmiri Walnut Facial Scrub

Directions for usage: Use a small amount on the palm of your hands to gently rub and massage all over the face in a circular motion. Do not rub the exfoliator vigorously as it may cause micro-tears in the skin.

  • Ayurvedic Ubtans:

Ubtans are another form of exfoliation which were used in the ancient tenets of Ayurveda when modern cosmetic products weren’t readily available. Traditionally prepared with hand-pounded ingredients and a coarsely-ground legume as the base, they help to achieve clear and radiant skin.

We recommend: The Narangi and Nagkesar Ubtan is an exfoliating treatment that gently removes surface dead cells from the skin. Its clarifying blend of sun-dried herbs of Narangi Peel, Pistachio and Nagkesar help effectively refine the skin’s pores. Orange Peel is a natural astringent that detoxifies and clarifies the skin.

Facial Ubtans
Facial Ubtans

Directions for usage: Take half a teaspoon of your Ubtan with a clean spatula and mix with Buttermilk, Yoghurt, Aloe Vera Juice or Rosewater to make a creamy paste. Apply and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well with warm water. 

Step 3: Tone 

Our skin is naturally acidic in nature and requires a daily dose of hydration to boost the water and pH levels, with the help of a toner. Pure and active water-based face toners help tighten the pores to help protect the skin from environmental damage.

At Forest Essentials, our toners are alcohol-free and made from floral extracts, freshly plucked, captured and crystallized at the height of potency to hydrate, revive and tone the skin. These toners balance out the moisture content to beautifully refresh and hydrate the skin.

We recommend: Use the Facial Tonic Mist Pure Rosewater for hydrating the skin along with minimizing the pores. Prepared from Steam Distillation, in which the softest and the most voluptuous Rose petals are sourced from Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, our Rosewater is cooling, soothing and moisturizing. The intense strain of residual floral water from this process is extremely light, naturally hydrating and fragrant.

Facial Tonic Mist Rosewater
Facial Tonic Mist Rosewater

Directions for usage: Keep the Rosewater at a slight distance and spray all over the face and neck. For optimal results, store the Rosewater in a refrigerator. 

Step 4: Moisturize

The last but not the least important step in a men’s face care routine is moisturizing. A natural moisturizer is imperative as it balances the skin’s sebum production, gets absorbed quickly and doesn’t cause excessive sweating. Contrary to a lot of beliefs, every skin type needs a best moisturizer to provide intensive nourishment and hydration.

We recommend: The Hydrating Face Moisturizer Sandalwood and Orange Peel is ideal for restoring the skin’s natural hydration levels. Containing SPF 25, it provides essential nutrients to the skin, whilst protecting it from UVA and B barriers. Ashwagandha, Basil and Barley protect the skin from harsh radicals while also promoting endurance and longevity. (2)

 Hydrating Facial Moisturizer Sandalwood and Orange Peel with SPF25
Hydrating Facial Moisturizer Sandalwood and Orange Peel with SPF25

Directions for usage: Gently massage a small amount, using upward strokes, on the face and neck. 

Follow the above four-step skincare routine for healthy and clear skin.


Follow the aforementioned skincare routine for men for healthy and clarified skin. If you’re looking for something even simpler — and expert-recommended — go to and chat with our Ayurvedic experts, Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.


Do most men have a skincare routine?

A skincare routine is important and applicable to anyone, regardless of their gender.

How do I start my skincare for men?

Follow the four basic rules for a skincare routine for men:

  • Use a mild cleanser twice a day.
  • A mask or an Ubtan, once or twice a week.
  • Follow with a chilled toner, twice a day.
  • Finish with a moisturizer – with SPF during the day and without, at night.

Should guys wash their faces?

Washing your face is incredibly imperative — and should be the first step to your skincare routine — as it helps remove surface dead cells, grime and toxins from your face.

Referenced sources:





Forest Essentials

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