A portrait of Pitta

In Ayurvedic Science, a Dosha is the inherent intelligence of the body that decides the innermost nature of every individual. It is the special blend of qualities that makes each of us unique. The 3 Doshas are: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each individual constitutes a balance of these 3 energies.


Ayurveda equates Pitta's beauty to fire

The heat of fire is penetrating and stimulating, always dehydrating, and sometimes scorching. Once you've stared into her fiery gaze you cannot forget Pitta's beauty. Her eyes are penetrating, with perfect lashes and brows. Cool green and blues balance her intensity and, pearls, moonstone, and silver bring out the sparkle in her eyes. When she is happy, no one is warmer or more delightful. Pushed to her extremes, her mood turns angry and argumentative. Pitta has to cool down herself with a rest from activity, a change of scenery, the scent of sandalwood, meditation, and a moonlight stroll.

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