When we determine someone's prakriti or skin type, what we are actually doing is detecting which dosha is most dominant in the person's constitution. First, the qualities of absolute beauty poise, radiance, and vitality are the same in everyone; yet they express themselves through our different natures. One has the features of Vata; another, Pitta; and the third Kapha. They are simply different by design, and all perfect in their own right.


When you understand the wind, you can appreciate Vata's beauty. Her skin is thin and fine-pored all over, and ever so slightly cool and dry. The features are often refined and delicate and, her cheekbones maybe high. She looks serene in warm pastels and dazzling in jade or emerald and gold. Vata is quick in passion and attachment. When she is out of sorts, her unsettled attention becomes easily worried and anxious; and her complexion becomes excessively dry, with fine lines etched above the brow. There is nothing so unsettling to Vata's sensibilities as a harsh voice or crass language, and nothing so soothing and grounding as a soft touch, the sweet scent of Jasmine or Rose.


The heat is of fire is penetrating and stimulating, always dehydrating and sometimes scorching.. Once you've stared into her fiery gaze you cannot forget Pitta's beauty. Her eyes are penetrating, with perfect lashes and brows. Her skin is warm and soft, and her scarlet lips are evenly shaped. Cool green and blues balance her intensity and pearls, moonstone, and silver bring out the sparkle in her eyes. When she is happy, no one is warmer or more delightful. Beware of getting burned, however. Her motto in life should be 'Chill out or burn out'. Pushed to her extremes, her mood turns angry and argumentative and her behavior, intolerant and compulsive. Pitta has to cool down herself with a rest from activity, a change of scenery, a scent of sandalwood, meditation, and a moonlight stroll.


Once you've felt earth's sensuous embrace, you have understood Kapha's beauty. Her complexion is pale, soft, and cool. Her generous face is square or round. With her abundant, wavy tresses, and full-bodied figure, she is the epitome of a Rubenesque woman. Rich red and purples warm her cool skin, and garnets and rubies peak her energy and will. In love, as in all things, Kapha is cautious, wise, honest, and steady. Her graceful manner is charming, not to mention calming and understanding. Once her natural equanimity is upset, however, Kapha's attachments become possessive. She has great difficulty moving on after a disappointment, and she can be sullen and unresponsive once her mood shifts. A vigorous massage with warming sesame oil, hike in sunlit woods some lively music with a strong beat and the volume on high, and Kapha will be up and dancing again in no time.